Clear Creek Forest Management – Strategic Partner

Scott Reigel, Owner of Clear Creek Forest Management, LLC, is a native West Virginian and second generation forester, and a 1999 graduate of WVU with a BS in Forest Resources Management and Wood Industries.  He has worked in the forest products industry as a inventory manager for Kopper’s Industries railroad tie treating facility dealing directly with the operations main client CSX.  Scott then moved into the sawmill and log procurement sector  buying, scaling and reselling sawlog and export veneer logs.  In 2002, Scott helped to establish Clear Creek Forestry, LLC.,  a partnership dedicated to multiple use forest management.

In 2009 Scott founded Clear Creek Forest Management, LLC and which has flourished based on  strong client satisfaction.  Scott’s company  serves clientele throughout  the Eastern regions of the US working in Appalachian hardwoods and south eastern pine plantations.

He is also an instructor of forestry at the college level and has a true understanding and passion for forest resource management. You can visit Scott’s website at